
Hacking Hormones for Fat Loss

Hacking Hormones for Fat Loss

Day 1-04
  • Is the move more, eat less strategy not working for you? Is your weight a rollercoaster ride with every subsequent diet becoming harder to sustain? Are you seeing the scales go up despite working harder than ever?
  • When hormonal ratios are balanced, this leads to optimal mood, body composition, metabolism, digestion, sleep and cognitive performance….and fat loss is almost a happy coincidence, But how do we do this?
  • You will learn some key critical nutritional and lifestyle medicine strategies and easy ways to apply them, that will be the small hinges to swing big doors in transforming and optimising your health and quality of life so you can achieve your fat loss goals.

About the Speaker

Ms. Tricia Yap – CEO & Founder of Limitless
  • Tricia Yap is the founder of Limitless, Hong Kong’s premier functional medicine and fitness concept that combines personal training with integrative nutrition and functional medicine health coaching. As an award winning performance coach and international educator known for her functional medicine approach to personal training does not focus on “transformations”, but on achieving optimal health at a cellular level and empowering her clients to make better lifestyle decisions for sustainable fat loss.
  • Tricia creates personalised, multi-pillar programs that address nutritional gaps and deficiencies and rebalance hormones by improving gut, adrenal function and blood sugar management. All of this is combined with structured strength training and designed to work around her clients’ busy lives for sustainable, long-term results.